first the pain then the rain (no spain no plane)

I have been off work since Friday afternoon. I thought I’d be able to move some more things over to the house from the apartment. No such luck. It is pouring down rain. The wind is kicking up and I have this fear the windows will blow open and the inside of the house will get soaked. I’m waiting for the wind to die down so I can run out to the store for some food. I have been experiencing a new and not so fun kind of pain for the past few days. Its like a pain in my kidneys . It hurts like hell when I lie down. I’ve been drinking water and eating less and less. I’m down to yogurt and (if my plan works) if the pain goes away I’ll just live off of yogurt and water for the rest of my life. I feel that its a food problem. My stomach is upset too so I don’t want to eat anything that I may have the misfortune of re-enjoying later.
I picture a lamprey eating around inside my body. Creating a nice little bacteria lined expressway from my kidneys to my stomach.
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