Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I’m simply calling them names at this point.

Its like a little white lie that snowballs into a lifetime of deception.
YOU KNOW DAMN WELL each and every one of them has a perfectly boring everyday secret that they keep under lock and key.
The sick thing is... the dirty secrets they keep are just dull as ours.
GEORGE take a tip from Lydia Lunch. Stick a Yam up your ass in front of an audience. That should set your skeletons free.(I have a blank VHS standing by for just such an occasion.)stop being so uptight. We arnt going to judge you so harshly if you try the yam trick.
Have "they" ever stopped to think we are all human? Or is that not enough for them? Must they be Uber products of their own making. Why isolate the world? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM. I cant count how many times this current administration has told me I should not have any rights let alone have the right to live. I don’t even know if I really do anymore!

George… try the yam.


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