Spleen what the hell do i need that for?

Well the doctor has determined that i have an enlarged spleen. Possible mono that has gone on for a while or its the ol' immune system chugging along without the aid of antivirals. I have been HIV positive for something and have chosen not to be on any meds for about two years. It may be time to go back on them. She also noted that my lymph nodes are swollen and the pain she inflicted while poking at them would confirm that they are.
I go in for some sort of mri on tuesday. in the mean time I need to take it easy. I cant take it more easy without going into a coma. This is as easy as i can take it without going nuts.
Ah its called absente here too. That is the "Clean" version of absinthe. It containes southern wormwood. That type of wormwood does not have the same "hallusinagenic propeties as common wormwood. (absetium artamisium)
Hmmm, you dont need a spleen but it does help in getting rid of ick (medical term) from the body.
Maybe you should take it easy :)
Good luck with the MRI!
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