Saturday, April 29, 2006

Proof there is a God (with Kirk Cameron)

Other explinations?

It's proof the aliens we were spawned from brought fruit trees with them.

It proves that bananas are the only fruit God created. Clearly other fruits that are not easy to open have come from the Devil. Kiwi being the most sinful of fruits.

It proves that even people who have the lord all up in them get tweaked out.

It proves that being a child star won't help you when your an adult. The banana gets more face-time.

It proves that Cathoholics think the world is theres and everything in it was made for them. Heaven is theres and everything in it is being made for them and still... THEY want your soul "to save it". Sounds pretty fuckin evil to me! Greedy bastards.

it proves Animals have no souls if the Banana was made for hu-mans hand. Why would God waste his time making something for a soul-less animal? Oh I guess thats me.

Everthing he says could CLEARLY be said about a penis. (But we all knew that. So did he. )

This video does not explain why God created: Cancer, Aids, World hunger, George Bush, or explosive violent diarrhea.

The only thing that could, COULD be proof that there is a God is if this guy shoved a banana up Kirk Cameron's ass on camera.


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