Sunday, January 14, 2007

Thanks for stopping by.

Folks. This blog has been retired. I thank you all for stopping by. I am creating a new blog using the new blogie version and finding it very unfriendly to my MAC. When the new blog is up and running I'll post a link here.

Now for the folks at work... let me clarify something. I created this blog in order to have a place to vent. Over time it became something else. I realized I do not have a place to chronicle what I am going thru. I want to start a new blog for that purpose and a new blog that is dedicated to fun stuff. So don't get all freaky on me thinking this was your fault. It was mine for letting this blog become something I did not intend it to be.


Blogger Luke said...

have you played with vox? It doesn't allow a lot of site design variation, but it's really easy to add pictures and video links and stuff.

here's my vox page. I really use flickr and my actual website more, but when I'm feeling too lazy to think I'll throw something on vox.


10:36 PM, January 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey scotty, I will follow you to the new blog, your not quitting entirely are you?

9:41 AM, January 17, 2007  

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