Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I leave you with this...

A plea for more time.
Orders to defect.
The package location.
Kill all of them,children first.
The real reason you are alive.

The conet project is made up of recordings from short wave "counting" stations. These stations are exactly what you think they are. Covert code sent via short wave. The creepy feeling I get from listening to these audio clips is all encompassing. Eerie disconnected voices speaking in a code I cannot crack. The lincolnshire poacher track I find deeply distressing. A sort of off key Ice-cream truck tune followed by coded orders. The fact that these recording are subject to atmospheric issues makes them very creepy indeed. It is hard to tell if the voices are even human at times. These recording give me nightmares. Now the nightmares can be yours.

Please click the title of this post to download all 4 CD's of the conet project.


Blogger Luke said...

While I enjoy the conet project, I'm really a bigger fan of this.

I really need to transfer it to the computer so I can share it with the world.

8:03 PM, January 09, 2007  
Blogger Gavin Elster said...

wow. nice tabletop shot of the cassette.

Holy fuckazoli! Thats me!

I have since learned that tapes like this never die.
Damn internet

8:07 PM, January 09, 2007  
Blogger Luke said...

another great set of background noises can be found here.

7:26 PM, January 10, 2007  
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