Sunday, October 30, 2005

seventh circle

There is a certain hopelessness in having hope.

Why is love so painful? Is it because the tough times make the mediocre time seem fantastic?

He says he doesn't love me. OH wait I take that back He says it when he is high and when he is sick and when he has fucked up something in his life by being high and knows i'll listen . I love him and don't want to see him destroy himself or destroy me.

I get the "I care about you but I'm not in love with you" speech frequently. Or "your in my business" or (my favorite) "We are not a couple" (even though we sleep in the same bed) or I should say we did. And now I feel I have point out examples of what I am babbling about.
Perhaps the time your best friend and his boyfriend gave US that great tray for the coffee table you never questioned your best friend and his boyfriend why they gave it to US as a couple?) "US"
I wasn't the only one under that impression.
Oh and what about when he said oh "it's the Patricks" could of been a little tip off that maybe even your friends see us as a couple.
The only person who didn't see it is you.

How bad does it have to get before you understand. Wait I take that back. I should be asking myself that same question.

I enjoy being with him. I need him in my life. There is no one else who make me so euphoric.
Without him I feel incomplete. I have tried to excise him from my life but it makes me miserable. I have tried giving him everything I have and that seems to just push him away. I have tried eliminating all contact with him and He keeps coming back or I end up bringing him back into my life.

Well, here is the bottom fucking line of todays post. I'm simply to wound up to connect thought "a" to thought "b" so this is my sad little man point today:

Why do I have hope? Because there is nothing else.
I believe you can die of a broken heart.

So ends crazy rant #1.

Have a great mutha fuckin sun-shining outta your ass day, everyone.

Go and be nice to a stranger today. They may feel down and a simple smile could brighten their day.

Better yet Hug a friend for just being a friend. A little contact goes a long way and could repair a damaged soul.


Blogger EmmaPeel007 said...

Oh My Love, Always Remember: That which does not kill you can only make you stronger...

I know oh so very well the pain you feel, but please believe me when I tell you that when you find the strength to finally walk away for good and learn to value yourself above all - then you will start to heal and attract those in your life who are truly worthy of the amazing gifts you have to give.

It's not easy, and its takes a lot of time - but its so, so worth it my Dear Dear Friend.

When you do finally extracate yourself from this unworthy one, there will be no need for me to fill your arms with heather - just a glass with Absynthe as you toast new beginnings and welcome the coming dawn... a little older and a lot wiser.

11:55 AM, October 31, 2005  
Blogger Gavin Elster said...

Thank you Sangroncito.
WOOF back atcha!

9:04 AM, November 01, 2005  
Blogger Jim said...

Question: Is he giving you what you need? If not, drop kick his ass to the next state, he's blocking entry for someone who can.

Good closing advice. I'm going to hug the hispanic guy moving my lawn, RIGHT NOW ;)

1:20 PM, November 01, 2005  
Blogger Gavin Elster said...

I suggest putting something on first.

2:02 PM, November 01, 2005  
Blogger Gavin Elster said...

sort of... its more like I'm on his emergency contact card or something.

9:16 AM, November 03, 2005  

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