Casino Royale.
I'll not give any of the film away if you have not seen it so...
you can read on without worry.
First off.
Daniel Craig.
He's a man. A manly man. While this is all fine and dandy I cant help but watch him and think of the ol' cartoon where a beautiful woman is shown from the back and when she turns around she's got some damn ugly face.
He's got an ok body for an old man but his face is butt ugly. I mean a double bagger from behind type o face.
There is something wrong with his lips. He seems to have this duck-like lip problem.

He also seems to be forcing his "Bond" look a little too much.
His Bond is truly a blunt instrument. Whatever happened to "NEVER LET THEM SEE YOU BLEED?" (oh wait that hasn't happened yet. He is told that by "Q" later on in his career. Does that mean "Q" is responsible for Bonds Suave disposition?)There is no hint of the coldwar Bond we know and love. This works for the story but... It does not hold true to the franchise. Since this is Bonds "FIRST" mission I guess I am having a hard time with the character arc that happens between this and all the other Bond films before it (or after it if I am forced to believe this is the first adventure.)
The film is NOT Bourne Identity nor is it Mission Impossible nor is it a Bond film as we know it. It feels like a precursor to another film. Moreover it feels like a first act stretched for 2 hours. The denouement is truly a let down.
I can't say I hate the film so Sony will be pleased to know I will shell out another $13.50 to see it again just to make notes and determine if I truly enjoy this film.
This film may have erased the line between a film with James Bond in it and a James Bond Film. Meaning I may just have to consider Never Say Never Again a real James Bond film if this is to be considered one as well.
Being that it is an EON film is not enough to make it a true Bond Film.
I have a hard time with the Vesper relationship with Bond. There is only one woman for Bond and that is Tracey. We all know it. So... Who the hell cares about Vesper? No one! Oh and the moment Bond names his drink... that was great to see yet I felt like I was watching Ronald name a Big Mac. It was handled incorrectly. The correct way was not to include that in the film. It felt like a mishandled Back To The Future throw-away gag.
Oh yeah... I do have to say this...
There was some crazy expository dialog that reminded me that I only need a 3rd grade education to follow the plot. If you have trouble with numbers have no fear, the film contains math breaks wherein the characters will add outloud for you.
Sony says :
lowest common denominator wins.
M= Rear Admiral Sir Miles Messervy.( The "M" is hardly a random initial selected to hide identity. Since the masculine Dame Judy Dench is playing "M" I still feel "M's" real name could be Rear Admiral Sir Miles Messervy.
In his original Bond novel "The Facts Of Death" Raymond Benson names the Female M as Barbara Mawdsley. "M" is like calling Mrs. Cunningham "Mrs. "C")
Q= Quartermaster.
Remind Michael Wilson again if you see him anytime soon. He seems to have forgotten and allowed a whole new meaning for these initials.
Don't rely on "yes" men to "make" your movie for you.
Yes. I liked the action. Yes the story is close to the book but that alone does not a Bond film make.
I am not happy that this film is considered part of the cannon of Bond.
Was it my imagination or did Bond drive a Ford Focus? Oh...
and does MI6 use google? This is product placement at its worst.
Casino Royale.
I'll not give any of the film away if you have not seen it so...
you can read on without worry.
First off.
Daniel Craig.
He's a man. A manly man. While this is all fine and dandy I cant help but watch him and think of the ol' cartoon where a beautiful woman is shown from the back and when she turns around she's got some damn ugly face.
He's got an ok body for an old man but his face is butt ugly. I mean a double bagger from behind type o face.
There is something wrong with his lips. He seems to have this duck-like lip problem.

He also seems to be forcing his "Bond" look a little too much.
His Bond is truly a blunt instrument. Whatever happened to "NEVER LET THEM SEE YOU BLEED?" (oh wait that hasn't happened yet. He is told that by "Q" later on in his career. Does that mean "Q" is responsible for Bonds Suave disposition?)There is no hint of the coldwar Bond we know and love. This works for the story but... It does not hold true to the franchise. Since this is Bonds "FIRST" mission I guess I am having a hard time with the character arc that happens between this and all the other Bond films before it (or after it if I am forced to believe this is the first adventure.)
The film is NOT Bourne Identity nor is it Mission Impossible nor is it a Bond film as we know it. It feels like a precursor to another film. Moreover it feels like a first act stretched for 2 hours. The denouement is truly a let down.
I can't say I hate the film so Sony will be pleased to know I will shell out another $13.50 to see it again just to make notes and determine if I truly enjoy this film.
This film may have erased the line between a film with James Bond in it and a James Bond Film. Meaning I may just have to consider Never Say Never Again a real James Bond film if this is to be considered one as well.
Being that it is an EON film is not enough to make it a true Bond Film.
I have a hard time with the Vesper relationship with Bond. There is only one woman for Bond and that is Tracey. We all know it. So... Who the hell cares about Vesper? No one! Oh and the moment Bond names his drink... that was great to see yet I felt like I was watching Ronald name a Big Mac. It was handled incorrectly. The correct way was not to include that in the film. It felt like a mishandled Back To The Future throw-away gag.
Oh yeah... I do have to say this...
There was some crazy expository dialog that reminded me that I only need a 3rd grade education to follow the plot. If you have trouble with numbers have no fear, the film contains math breaks wherein the characters will add outloud for you.
Sony says :
lowest common denominator wins.
M= Rear Admiral Sir Miles Messervy.( The "M" is hardly a random initial selected to hide identity. Since the masculine Dame Judy Dench is playing "M" I still feel "M's" real name could be Rear Admiral Sir Miles Messervy.
In his original Bond novel "The Facts Of Death" Raymond Benson names the Female M as Barbara Mawdsley. "M" is like calling Mrs. Cunningham "Mrs. "C")
Q= Quartermaster.
Remind Michael Wilson again if you see him anytime soon. He seems to have forgotten and allowed a whole new meaning for these initials.
Don't rely on "yes" men to "make" your movie for you.
Yes. I liked the action. Yes the story is close to the book but that alone does not a Bond film make.
I am not happy that this film is considered part of the cannon of Bond.
Was it my imagination or did Bond drive a Ford Focus? Oh...
and does MI6 use google? This is product placement at its worst.
Definitely CR doesn not fit with the rest of the Bond series. Its fine that they obviously want to bring a new atmosphere to series but it leaves us long-time fans in with a temporal difficulty. Do we now have to retrofit all the other films into this model? Also, if this is to be a prequel (ie before the 60's) shouldn't the props be in line with that era? I don't think the Crossfire was made in the 60's lol).
I guess we will wait and see what happens with "Bond 22" in 2008.
HA! I knew you'd come to realize Never Say Never Again is a real bond film. Now I have you in my evil clutches! Ha, ha, ha, ha ha!!!!!
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