I don't understand what your saying.

I have just now realized that when an individual says "I don't understand you" They may not mean what they say.
Perhaps the listener is not familiar with the language you are using.
Perhaps the ambient noise prevented the listener from hearing properly.
or maybe, just maybe, the listener has not expected you to say what you have said when they have rehearsed the conversation in their head.
Those folks never hear what you say unless its about them.
It very well might be.
This post was out of frustration with a certain person who clearly rehearses conversations before they take place. I know if we have something important to say... we tend to choose our words wisley. There are people who choose words, phrases, time of day, tone of voice, ... its just overwhelming how much pre-planning can go into a conversation. Its those folk who "plan" who do not hear. They are too worried that the convo is going as "planned." I have met several people like this. Is it upbringing or something in the water?
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